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There are four main card types

Leader Card


Leader cards are the core of any manager’s strategy. These cards are immensely powerful, and can turn the tide in a blink of an eye!

Character Card


Character cards are the primary way managers wage battle. They will be your sword and shield, as well as having synergistic abilities with your leaders.

Highlight Card


Highlights are single-use effect cards that can be played on any turn, including your opponent’s! Use them to surprise and disrupt, or to empower your characters.

Event Card


Event cards are persistent effects that can both level or upend the playing field. These can stack and result in an increasing amount of chaos!

*Some cards may be part of multiple categories. If a particular card type is specified by a card effect, cards that contain multiple categories are considered as having all of those categories.


There are four different playable rarities in the game

Common Card

C (Common)

Uncommon Card

U (Uncommon)

Rare Card

R (Rare)

Special Super Rare Card

SR (Super Rare)

Super Rare Card

SSR (Special Super Rare)
Which are ultra-rare variants of

SR cards.

Deck Construction


Time to create a playable deck of cards

A Roster (Deck) consists of 30 cards from our card pool, with a varying limit on different rarity types.

The following are the limits on different card rarities:


C (Common)


No Limit

U (Uncommon)


No Limit

R (Rare)



SR (Special Rare) - Non-Leader



SR (Special Rare) - Leader



Card Placement


Place your cards in the following positions


Main Stage (Playing Field)

This is the main playing field. Cards played during the Main Step will be placed here unless otherwise stated by the card.

Centre Stage

Your chosen Leaders will be placed here when you are able to play them.



Your Roster is placed facing down in this position.


Backstage (Leader Waiting Position, Sanity dice, tokens)

When your chosen Centre has not yet Debuted, they should be placed in this area. Once your chosen Centre enters play, for the purpose of card effects, it will be considered a regular Leader.

Star Pool

Cards are played face up and upside down in this area, with the stars facing upward, during the Resource Step. This is your resource pool used to debut other cards.

Graduation Zone

Used Event and Highlight cards, as well as destroyed Character and Leader cards, are placed face-up in this zone. Placing a card in this zone is called “Graduation”, and cards that are “graduated” by an effect are also placed in this zone.



A manager with no sanity remaining resigns.

Do your best to remain employed!


When it is your turn, follow this sequence

0. Main Setup

Max hand size 5

  • Each manager declares one Leader card as their Centre, and sets it aside from their deck in the Backstage. The Centre is always available for play so long as the required cost is spent to play it, and as long as the Centre is in the Backstage.

  • Draw 5 cards. The maximum hand size is 5 cards.
    Each manager is allowed to reshuffle their hand into their roster, and redraw 5 more cards once at the start of the match.

  • Both managers will then choose a method to determine turn order, whether by coin flip, fisticuffs, or armed duel. The winner may choose to go first or second.

Game flow after main setup

1. Starting Phase (Start of Turn)

Clear all combat damage from the previous turn.

Resolve all "start of turn" effects.


Untilt all cards. ​


Draw 1 card.


If there are no longer any cards in the roster to draw or resolve an effect, that manager loses 1 sanity for each card they are unable to draw or send to the graduation zone. Damage from this source increases by 1 for each instance of the above. (e.g. 1 > 2 > 3 > contd.)

2a. Main Phase - Resource Step

Each turn, 1 card may be placed in a “resource pool” as a Star card. (For the purposes of resolving abilities and effects, adding a card to the Star Pool does not count as playing a card.) 

Star cards are placed upside down. Their resource value is equal to the number of stars at the bottom of the card, typically corresponding to that card’s rarity.

2b. Main Phase - Main Step

Managers may play up to 3 cards per Main Phase (incl. Star card) unless specified otherwise by a card.


Managers may play cards and activate card effects during the Main Phase. Pay the star cost by tilting an equivalent number of star cards to provide the cost required. Costs for cards and abilities

(i.e. "Graduate an untilted non-leader character: Effect) can only be paid for with cards and characters under your control. ​


Any star resource generated in this way can be used until the end of that manager's turn.


Excess resource value held at the end of your turn is not carried over to the next.




Character -  A character card. Star cost must be paid to debut it. Characters may not attack on the first turn they debut (Debut Burnout), but can defend.

Asset - Asset cards do not have ATK and HP, and cannot be used to attack or defend. Asset cards may have functions that allow them to be equipped to a character.


Token - Tokens are non-card objects generated by card effects, and can be either Characters or Assets as described in the card that commissioned them. Character tokens may not attack on the first turn they are commissioned, but can defend. When tokens are graduated they are removed from the game, but any effects that would occur as if they entered the graduation zone still apply.


Leader - Leaders are Characters with special rulings and powerful abilities, forming the core of most strategies. The majority of card and ability effects will specify "non-leader" within their targeting parameters.


Event - Event cards stay on the side of the stage corresponding to the manager that played them. As long as the card stays on stage, the abilities written on the event card are active or available for activation. Event cards do not have ATK and HP, and cannot be used to attack or defend. Only one event of the same name may be on each manager’s stage at any time.


Highlight - Highlight cards are sent to the graduation zone upon use. Highlight cards can be used on any turn, during any phase, including your opponent’s.


Hiatus - Cards under Hiatus are considered removed from play. They are not considered to be in any manager’s roster, graduation zone, hand, or stage.

3. Combat Phase

Combat Phase does not occur on the first turn of the match.
Attacks can only be declared during the Combat Phase of that manager’s turn. Characters must be untilted to attack. When declaring an attack, tilt the assigned attacking character. The attacking manager will first declare all characters that will be attacking during that Combat Phase.


The defending manager may then choose to allocate which characters are used for defence. Each character can only be assigned to block one attacker. Multiple characters can be assigned to block a single attacker.


Untilted defenders will resolve combat normally.

Tilted characters can still be used to defend, but are considered to have 0 ATK.


The defending manager may choose not to block an attacker unless a card effect specifies otherwise.


Any highlights or non-combat character abilities can be declared at any point before combat is finalized. The last played highlight or card effect (top of the stack) before combat is finalized will be resolved first, and then in descending order.


After all attacks and blocks are declared, combat is considered finalized and all in-combat effects are resolved, following which damage is calculated and dealt.


Damage in combat is based on each character's total ATK and is dealt simultaneously. If multiple characters are assigned to block a single attacker, the attacking character's damage is dealt in full to each assigned blocker.

4. Resolution Phase

Characters that receive damage equal to or exceeding their total HP are graduated on resolution of the Combat Phase. Damage inflicted or taken does not carry over to the next Combat Phase.


Graduated characters are sent to the Graduation Zone. Any Graduation Zone effects or post-combat effects can then resolve, prioritizing the defending manager's.


Any cards in either manager's hand over the hand limit of 5 are sent to the graduation zone. The manager may select which to discard.


The next manager’s turn then begins from the Turn Starting Phase.

Win Condition


A game ends when a manager meets one of the below conditions

1. Reduce all other opponents’ sanity points to zero

2. Meet a card’s specified win or loss condition


General Glossary

  1. Asset - Assets do not have ATK and HP, and cannot be used to attack or defend. Assets may have functions that allow them to be equipped to a character.

  2. Commission - To create as a result of a card effect or outcome.

  3. Counter - Certain effects create “counters”. Counters are not considered targetable entities and are removed from the stage when the card that produced the counter is removed from the stage.

  4. Debut - To play from hand.

  5. Debut Burnout - A 1 turn effect applied to a character when they are first debuted or commissioned, making them unable to attack during that turn's combat phase.

  6. Graduate - To be sent to the Graduation Zone via combat, damage, or specific card effects.

  7. Main Stage - Primary playing field.

  8. Manager (Opponent, Player) - This is you!

  9. Roster - Deck of 30 cards.

  10. Tilt - To rotate the card clockwise up to 90°, signifying exhaustion.

  11. Token - Tokens are generic Characters or Assets, are treated as per their specified type, and have effects as described in the card that generated the token. (Figuring out from scratch what to use for tokens is great training for becoming an actual VTuber manager. Be creative!)

In-Combat Effect Glossary

  1. Ban -  If a character with ban deals combat damage to another character without ban, graduate that character.

  2. Callout - When this character attacks, the defending manager must block this attack with at least one character if able.

  3. Clip - When attacking, characters with clip deal all of their combat damage before characters without clip.

  4. Clout - Characters with clout can only be blocked by a character or characters with a combined attack value equal to or more than their own.

  5. Moderator - This character can block up to X enemy characters, must block unblocked attackers if able, and cannot attack.

  6. Raid - Any excess damage is dealt to the defending character’s manager. If multiple defending characters are assigned, Raid damage is calculated based on the defender with the highest total HP.

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